Fish kissed
2021, Single channel HD video, color, sound, 10 min. 13 sec.
How are marine environments connected with our urban homes and traditions?
Fish kissed is a short film that explores the often distant, but intimate relationship between the urban human home and the ocean. The narrative is taking place entirely over a kitchen sink, featuring a traditional island song by the renowned Domna Samiou choir in Greece.
The film presents two main characters, a woman and a sea urchin, whose relationship seems to be based on a parallel co-domestication process. Fish kissed examines both the physical connection between human spaces and marine ecosystems and their cultural connection, for example through references of food preparation, traditional song, eco-news and climate worries, or the practice of ichthyomancy (a divination by means of the heads or the entrails of fishes) and biopsy, to foresee the future. The film examines the juxtaposed perception of the sea as a “trophos” - a pleasure, resource and nutrition provider - and waste ground, the cultural stylization of the marine ecosystem mostly by the tourism and energy sectors, and the future of the oceans.